How did MCA get Started?
The idea to have a MCC relief sale at Menno Church came about when a Christian Enrichment Committee made up of Warren “Butch” Gering, Kay Jantz and Dorene Claassen were planning activities. Looking for activity that would be engaging and invite a sense of service for the congregation, the thought of a relief sale was developed. Relief sales are held across North America as a way to raise funds for Mennonite Central Committee’s work of world-wide relief and peace building.
Under their direction, the first Menno Mennonite Church MCC Relief Sale was held on September 23, 1978 from 2-5 p.m. There was an auction and eight booths including pony rides. Total receipts were $7,300. Chairman Butch reported “…the crowd was larger than most of us expected and the proceeds from the sale were greater than any of us dared dream possible.”